Lex4Lab, Digital laboratory notebook


Digital laboratory notebook


Collaborative project between: Université de Technologie de Troyes CNRS, ICD, Tech-CICO,
Lex Persona, software editor (Troyes)
De 2013 à 2019.


Researcher, PhD student – UX designer on the project



– UX audit
– Workshops and focus groups
– Design studios
– Design
– Wireframes and prototype
– User testing
– User journey
– Dev roadmap
– Development follow-up
– Conferences and academic publications

Protecting researchers’ intellectual property

The design mission

Give a tool to researchers / innovators to preserve their intellectual property, while protecting their practice and work conditions (mails, teaching, publications, cloud diffusion…). PhD field, 2013 to 2019
Doctoral project, 2013 à 2019, as a PhD student, I designed features for the running app in UTT.
The aim was to guide users in a complex situation. Compiling needs, constraints and technical complexity, to get intuitive interfaces.

Protect the Intellectual/ Industrial Property

– Some interfaces of the software Lex4Lab, running in UTT since 2013.

As a researcher or innovator, intellectual property (IP) protection is an important topic. However, in reality, they have not so many tools to do so, apart from writing a patent, which comes rather late in the process of innovation.
Lex4Lab, a complete electronic laboratory notebook, offers a solution to protect IP from the start of the development of an innovation.

The software is designed based on several scenarios of IP disputes, and on interviews with researchers/innovators in real situations.

– Extract from a scenario according to the use cases

Design process

The design process in which I was involved consists of iterations over several years throughout the research process for my doctoral thesis, as well as the stages of the project in research and development.

– Lex4Lab Design process according to the PhD experiments (Agile)