Student public
Santé Psy Étudiant, a french state start-up Beta Gouv (DINUM)
with french Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (2023-2024)
The Santé Psy Etudiant public platform allows students to obtain 12 sessions with a psychologist, without advance payment.
– UX audit
– Workshops and focus groups
– Design studios
– Design
– Wireframes and prototype
– User testing
– User journey
– Dev roadmap
A straightforward platform fostering mental health
The design mission
Better interfaces for psychologists, university health services and students, on a national platform fostering student mental health
As the designer of the team, I am working on a billing tool between psychologists and universities. The comfort and ease of use for psychologists requires user research and iterations in developments, with a highly effective interdisciplinary team (development, communication, deployment) and the Ministry.