Pedagogic grammar
Calligramme lab team, Laboratoire Loria (INRIA), Nancy
Analyst and UX designer junior
– Interviews and workshops
– Design studios in the lab
– Design
– Wireframes and prototype
Grammar, a game for everyone (DYS)
The design mission
Design of a pedagogic application about French grammar, high school level teacher interviews, need analysis, functional modelisation, content modelisation, wireframes, Dys-type adaptation (dysphasia, dyslexia)
Leopar is a parser for interaction grammars. The official publication, by Bruno Guillaume and Guy Perrier, of LORIA (INRIA) in Nancy was made in 2010. The engine is developed but lacks concrete applications. The LEOPAR project in high school undertakes to imagine applications as a games, to integrate French grammar at a high school level.
Ex: Variable / invariable aj-djectives,
subject verb complement,
name expansions, …
Design process
– We are first inspired by exercises taken from textbooks
Then, by interviewing college professors, we take note of their experience with other software or websites: the texts used in apps do not interest students, do not interest all levels … Worse, most are not suitable for students who have reading difficulties (language disorders, DYS disorders … approximately estimated 7% of students).
LEOPAR, the parser, can really bring great interest and condition the playful use of grammar software. Example of parsing:
Finally, each professor can choose his own text, that will be used in the exercises according to the student’s passions or his reading level.
We work with low-fidelity prototypes and simplified models :
– the “LEOPAR in high school” Low-Fi wireframes
Linked experiences