Digital Trust

UX Methods

UX design focused on use and dialogue with the development team : user research

User interviewsUser surveysPersonaUser testingWorkshopsCard sortingUser journeyEmpathy mapother UX methods


schema projet

The project methodology can fit the field of application, to comply with the existing business processes.
UX methodologies are made to adapt!


Git, wireframes – maquettes et prototypes, HTML/CSS

logo photoshopAdobePhotoshoplogo illustratorAdobe Illustratorlogo omnigraffleOmnigrafflelogo balsamiqBalsamiq mockupslogo axureAxurelogo adobe XDAdobe XDlogo figmaFigmaGitHubHTMLCSS

icone fichier uxUX documentation and project monitoring

Each project is rigorously documented to follow the stages of user research. Arguing every decisions, the project documents integrate the arguments discussed in the team.

The deliverables needed can be agreed beforehand.

Theoretical basis

Training in Computer Science / Cognitive Sciences
Up-to-date reference works
and solid scientific bibliography

Responsive web design de Ethan MarcotteErgonomie web, 4e édition: Pour des sites web efficaces de Amélie BoucherErgonomie des interfaces de Jean-François Nogier, Thierry Bouillot et Jules Leclerc Responsive web design avec HTML5 et CSS3 de Ben Frain