UX Design

UX Methods

illustration méthodeUX auditillustration méthodeUser testingillustration méthodeHTML prototypesillustration méthodeCSS devillustration méthodeWireframesillustration méthodeUser surveyillustration méthodeDesign Studiosillustration méthodePersonaillustration méthodeIdeation workshopsillustration méthodeUser interviewillustration méthodeCard sorting

I have learned a lot about User Experience design during more than 10 years, and applied all these UX methods along numerous projects.

Bibliographic UX resources

Classics of UX and academic publications are guiding my design choices at each step.

Responsive web design de Ethan MarcotteErgonomie web, 4e édition: Pour des sites web efficaces de Amélie BoucherErgonomie des interfaces de Jean-François Nogier, Thierry Bouillot et Jules Leclerc Responsive web design avec HTML5 et CSS3 de Ben Frain

Ethic design

I am aware about data protection and EU recommendations (RGPD). You can enlight to your users how ethical and caring your services are.


I can help you to design a UX dashboard and to define your own KPIs to see the real ROI of User experience design on your business.

Basis of UX ROI, by UX Beginner


User centered design
UX Design
Innovation, R&D